Hoping for Smokers to Die Out

David Nnacheta
3 min readMar 2, 2022


Photo by Margo Amala on Unsplash

Wait, what?!

Yes, I’m waiting for all smokers to die out.

Not like die die — just for smoking to stop being a thing; especially cigarettes!

And yes, it affects me. In fact, it affects us all. According to UNEP, plastics from cigarettes are the #1 plastic pollutants of our environment. Yes! Those little irritating things have been tossed everywhere, from the kitchen table to the pool, to the schoolyard, and into the ocean!

They are everywhere.

Also, it’s time cigarette smokers stop acting like tobacco actually does something for them. I mean people smoke tobacco and drive or go back to work just fine. Give that same person some Mary Jane, and they’ll probably not make it home or be unable to function properly at work.

What I’m saying is: if the “high” can’t cause your death while driving…

Its cons far outweigh its pros.

It’s not worth your physical health and the silent resentment from people who love you, nor your coworkers.

Hold your horses to the person about to say, “Did he just promote weed?!” Well, technically, I did. However, I’m still against smoking of any kind. It’s not good for you, it’s not good for the person next to you, not your family and friends, and certainly not the environment.

Just stop.

Yes, that was inconsiderate. Just like the inconsiderate smoker who walks into the office and makes you want to hose them down with Lysol. Or the inconsiderate parent who finishes a smoke before school ends and forces their kid to drive home with that smell. And no, spraying the car does not stop the second-hand smoke effect on your young child’s lungs.

Now, surely this guy didn’t write this article just to rant, right?

No, I didn’t. I have a solution, and you’re not going to like it. I laughed as I typed that.

So, marijuana. Yes, marijuana!

Instead of smoking, overusing, or abusing it. How about doctors recommend or prescribe it for something like anxiety?

They can do this by first: testing a patient’s response to varying dosages of a chewable done over multiple sessions, and second: ensuring that each patient cannot receive more than 5 personally prescribed chewables per week to mitigate dependence and abuse.

As you’ve probably observed by now: the world is a lot more anxious, a lot more depressed, and a lot more socially awkward. And none of that has anything to do with the war that I won’t be speaking about in this post.

Starting with Generation Y and beyond — particularly Gen Z, there has been a massive spike in mental illness and mental conditions being reported, and they, no we, need a reprieve.

Racially banning the use and production of a naturally-grown product makes no sense. Regulating its use should have been the move all those years ago.

It’s time the world stops banning and stifling the parts of people’s cultures they don’t like, and instead, analyzes things from a more practical perspective that isn’t inherently all about profit and imagined threats.

Thanks for reading.

If you’ve read this far, what are your thoughts? Let’s have a conversation.

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David Nnacheta
David Nnacheta

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